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The Connecticut Friends School renovation emerged from a re-organization of the school's academic program. The Board asked us to help envision a new design to suit an expanding preschool.


We reconfigured the interior, simplifying two preschool classrooms with a Reggio Emilia-inspired "piazza" connecting them. The piazza is a versatile space designed to accommodate informal encounters at drop-off and pick-up time, as well as planned gatherings for students and their families. 

A newly designed covered walk connects the two existing buildings of the school campus. 


Inspired by Quaker educational philosophy (SPICES - Simplicity, Peace, Integrity, Community, Equality, Stewardship), our design used a simple, natural materials palette to create a warm, comfortable space for young children to play and explore. 

Location: Wilton, CT

Builder: Harpswell Builders - Redding, CT. 

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